Mar 5, 2018
It's time for our most original show yet! Usually we come at critics from afar, but this time, the critic is on the show! It's time to review Ghostbusters from 2016... a film Donald loved, and Scott loathed. To help Donald, we bring in his brother Drew who also loved the film (because 1 against 1 against Scott just isn't fair!). We break down the film and have a fun conversation with movie clip examples, with Scott saying why he can't bring himself to enjoy the film, and Donald and Drew offering their views as to why they love the movie. They try and alter Scott's prism and help him enjoy the film more. Before that we discuss the Oscars a bit, Avengers: Infinity War moving up its release date, as well as rumors that Zack Snyder was fired from Justice League last year. It's a packed episode full of fun, so whether you liked or hated the Ghostbuster reboot, this show has something for everyone!