Oct 23, 2022
The DCEU has breathed new life as the film The Rock wanted made for 7 years finally comes to fruition... so we get to talk Black Adam! There are already multiple narratives out about the film. Are they fair? We take a look and see! First, we dust off our news segment to bring you all the glorious DCEU news that the Hollywood Reporter has dropped, and then we have a fun discussion of the top 5 super hero fights we still want to see on screen. After that we dive into the movie to see if The Rock's addition to the DCEU holds up! (That mid-credits scene, tho!) So grab your Helmets of Fate, don't bother with doors, and remember any plan is better than no plan at all... it's time for Black Adam on The Movie Defenders podcast!
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Special thanks to all of our amazing Patreon supporters!
Brett Bowen
Barrett Young
Brev Tanner
Eric Blattberg
Kevin Athey
Marcin Miduch
Jason Chastain
Joshua Loy
Josh Evans
Mark Martin
Megan Bush
Richard Cree
Alexis Borchardt
Mark Nattress
Bart German
Alex Kirby
Michael Puckett
Ena Haynes
Daryl Ewry
Sean Masters
Randal Silver
Attack of the Killer Podcast