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The Movie Defenders

The Movie Defenders podcast is a show dedicated to talking about the best things about the films you love, not tear everything down.

Sep 12, 2021

It's time to discuss and celebrate Lucasfilm Animation's latest triumph, The Bad Batch, with The Movie Defenders podcast! But most importantly, we get to do so with Alexis Borchardt, Animation Coordinator at Lucasfilm Animation, who worked on the series for the past year! We also bring on several listeners and friends of the show to celebrate, ask questions, and have fun talking about this incredible show. So grab your energy bow, don't go back to Kamino, and make sure you removed that inhibitor chip... let's talk The Bad Batch, Season One!

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Special thanks to all of our amazing Patreon supporters!
Brett Bowen
Barrett Young
Brev Tanner
Kevin Athey
Marcin Miduch
Joshua Loy
Josh Evans
Mark Martin
Megan Bush
Richard Cree
Alexis Borchardt
Mark Nattress
Bart German
Owen Payne
Alex Kirby
Michael Puckett
Ena Haynes
Daryl Ewry
Sean Masters
Randal Silver
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