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The Movie Defenders

The Movie Defenders podcast is a show dedicated to talking about the best things about the films you love, not tear everything down.

Dec 19, 2022

After a decade in the making it's finally time to head back to Pandora with Avatar: The Way of Water. We have a full NON-Spoiler discussion so you can listen to it before you go over the holidays. Can James Cameron re-capture part of the magic of the first one? We'll find out as we play many scenes right from the movie...

Dec 5, 2022

It's time to head to the Oasis and tackle Ready Player One with our great friend, Daryl Ewry! We get in the DeLorean and head back a few years to visit Spielberg's sci-fi gem and see how it holds up! But before we get started we each break down our top 5 movies that have a riddle/test/challenge in them. Find out which...