Oct 21, 2017
Star Wars is on the way this December! To prepare, we tackle and settle once and for all: Was Episode 7 - The Force Awakens a direct COPY of Episode 4 - A New Hope? We analyze, break down both films, the characters, the settings, and the plot and get to an answer. We also walk through all the popular criticisms from...
Oct 14, 2017
Our discussion of maybe the most fun DCEU movie out to date continues with part 2. We dive into the movie itself and examine the love story between Harley Quinn and the Joker, we examine Will Smith's Deadshot, and talk about how every character was extremely comic-accurate. We discuss the common complaints about the...
Oct 8, 2017
It's time to bust out the shields again and defend yet another DC film that for some crazy reason was dragged through the mud by critics: Suicide Squad! We begin by talking about some fun news about Richard Donner's 1978 Superman film, and then roll into our main discussion of the film. In this part we talk about the...